google account manager 5.1

google account manager 5.1

Installing Google Play services software is indispensable when working in software Android is the main operating system for smartphones. Google decided to allow open source Android, So that many developers and manufacturers can explore and expand it widely. However , The main purpose of this application is to manage a Google account, So you can access most of the features and applications on a smartphone. Download it now with one click on

File Information

  • Version: 5.1-1743759 (22)
  • Minimum Android version: Android 5.0
  • Last updated: October 16, 2017
  • Developer: Google LLC
  • File size: 4.8 MB

Apex Launcher apk

 Apex Launcher apk

The launch pad for all workers in the software field when decoding frp devices and Google protections, Don’t search too much, available here with just one click

Apex Launcher, choice of 10,000,000+ users!

Apex Launcher apk

 Apex Launcher apk

The launch pad for all workers in the software field when decoding frp devices and Google protections, Don’t search too much, available here with just one click

Apex Launcher, choice of 10,000,000+ users!

Magisk Manager

 Magisk Manager

Magisk Manager is the tool that will help you manage Magisk on your Android device. It will help you in managing root permissions for your phone and much more.

What is the use of the Magisk Manager?
If you want to grant/deny permission for any application, this can be easily done with the help of Magisk Manager. There are a ton of free modules available on Magisk Manager, from them you can download apps and games to your Android device. And the plus point is, you can add your own or custom repositories to get stuff from.

Magisk Manager

 Magisk Manager

Magisk Manager is the tool that will help you manage Magisk on your Android device. It will help you in managing root permissions for your phone and much more.

What is the use of the Magisk Manager?
If you want to grant/deny permission for any application, this can be easily done with the help of Magisk Manager. There are a ton of free modules available on Magisk Manager, from them you can download apps and games to your Android device. And the plus point is, you can add your own or custom repositories to get stuff from.



SMSProxy allows you to monitor your device for outgoing SMS messages, Be it text or data messages. All detected SMS are recorded in a database and can be reviewed

The app displays all stored messages on startup including timestamp, target number, content (if applicable) and the full PDU. You can then analyze the PDU with external tools like PDUSpy or change the PDU and resend it with HushSMS for example.



SMSProxy allows you to monitor your device for outgoing SMS messages, Be it text or data messages. All detected SMS are recorded in a database and can be reviewed

The app displays all stored messages on startup including timestamp, target number, content (if applicable) and the full PDU. You can then analyze the PDU with external tools like PDUSpy or change the PDU and resend it with HushSMS for example.

إذا أعجبك محتوى موقع مكياتو ويب اتمنى البقاء على تواصل دائم ، فقط قم بإدخال بريدك الإلكتروني للإشتراك في بريد المدونة السريع ليصلك جديد المدونة أولاً بأول ، كما يمكنك إرسال رساله بالضغط على الزر المجاور ...